Friday, February 04, 2011

What Is Black Love?

This month's Ebony focuses on Black love. And it's great to see President and Mrs. Obama on the cover as an example of Black love.

What is Black love?

Ebony says: "There is enormous energy in every apology delivered, every truth uttered, every embrace held, every abuse checked, every vow honored ...".

To read more, see What Is Black Love?

I think what Des O'Connor is doing is brilliant. To read more, see: Why Can't Successful Black Women Find Good Black Men?

He is helping single Black men and women to meet each other.

But what happens after they meet?

We need to ask some hard questions.

Why do we have such a high incidence of divorce and relationship breakdown in our communities?

Why are so many Black children growing up in single-parent families?

And what are the consequences of this for us as individuals? For our communities? For our children?

We have so much healing to do.

For more info, see "How to Get What You Want in Your Relationships".

See also: Why We Need to Heal.

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